As long as certain safety measures are taken, you shouldn't have to worry about your cat eating an apple.
If you want to feed an apple to your cat, you should first remove the core and the seeds from the apple.
The consumption of blueberries by cats is generally considered to be safe and even offers them some nutritional advantages.
They have a low calorie count and are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and anti-aging antioxidants.
Cantaloupe is generally considered to be safe for cats to consume, therefore it can be used as a treat on occasion.
It is a good source of fiber, as well as vitamins A and C, which, when consumed in moderation, might be beneficial.
Cats are able to eat a limited amount of fresh or unsweetened coconut meat, but only in very small amounts.
It is high in fiber and includes lipids that are good for you. However, there is a possibility that certain felines do not enjoy the smell or consistency of coconut.
It is generally considered safe for cats to consume watermelon, so it can be given to them on occasion.
When giving your cat watermelon, make sure to remove the seeds and the rind before serving it to them.
Strawberries are typically considered to be safe for cats to consume, so you might give them to your cat on occasion.
Thoroughly washing the strawberries is necessary in order to remove any possible pesticides or other pollutants.