As long as they contain a variety of nutritious fruits and vegetables and are consumed in moderation, smoothie bowls and acai bowls can be a healthy option.
Taking all of those components into account results in a snack that has hundreds of calories and far more sugar than is considered healthy.
Sugary dried fruit and chocolate chips are just two examples of how certain granola brands raise the calorie count.
The healthiest option is a bowl of oats with some fresh fruit and honey for flavor.
Veggie powders are commonly used to give chips their brilliant color without adding any of the vegetables that the labels claim are in the chips.
To get a similar taste to potato chips, they also contain large amounts of sodium .
Agave has a low glycemic index, making it appear to be a better option than sugar and honey; nonetheless, it contains 80-90 percent more fructose than white sugar.
Furthermore, when people think they are using a healthier sugar, they tend to use more of it than they would if they were using regular granulated sugar.
It's common knowledge that ordinary Coke is bad for you because of how much sugar it contains.
The effects of artificial sweeteners on the body are comparable to those of sugar.
While spinach has many health benefits, like antioxidants, fiber, and vital nutrients, the spinach in those tortilla wraps is so tiny that eating it won't do your body harm.
A ketogenic or low-carb diet, you might want to think about periodically incorporating plant protein powders into your diet.